Follow along for news and updates on the Adirondack Rail Trail.
September 30, 2017
The court has ruled in favor of the plaintiffs in all three of their complaints and has vacated the 2016 Unit Management Plan.
Does the State own the rail corridor?
May 16, 2017
There have been a number of claims that people along the corridor granted the State an easement on land that they owned, rather than receiving easements to cross the State-owned corridor. Here is the State’s position:
Unit Management Plan
April 28, 2017
NYSDEC Releases Remsen-Lake Placid Travel Corridor Unit Management Plan
DEC Releases Draft Adirondack Rail Trail Plan
April 25, 2017
The Draft Adirondack Rail Trail Conceptual Plan has been released for public review and comment.
Stakeholders' Meeting minutes now available
April 6, 2017
Minutes of the Adirondack Rail Trail Stakeholders meetings
Trail Construction Planning Underway
March 19, 2017
Despite a Lawsuit That State Hopes to Resolve, the Adirondack Rail Trail Plans are Proceeding
New Bicycling Study
October 26, 2016
Another rural region's report on bicycling's economic impact
Last Train from Lake Placid
October 26, 2016
The Adirondack Scenic Railroad drove most, but not all, of its rolling stock out of Lake Placid this morning.
DEC Resolving title issues
October 20, 2016
NYS does not own four parcels needed to build the rail trail, but expects to resolve the issue and build the trail without delays.
Rail-Trail Suit Status
October 1, 2016
Adirondack Scenic Railway Suit Postponed until November 2
New AdirondackRailTrail Website
September 27, 2016
Interactive website now operational
APA Approves DEC/DOT proposed management plan for rail-trail
August 19, 2016
On February 12th the APA voted almost unanimously to support the proposed rail-trail between Lake Placid and Tupper Lake and the possible extension of rail service north from Big Moose to Tupper Lake
One Hundred Twelve Tupper Lake Businesses ask the State to implement its plan
August 19, 2016
Tupper Lake will be a massive beneficiary of the State's plan to create the Adirondack Rail Trail from Lake Placid to Tupper Lake.
State announces rail-trail plans
May 17, 2016
Governor approves Adirondack Rail Trail